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NFT BATTLES is currently on BETA SEASON. This means that the game play is currently on Rinkeby TESTNET.
The game will be deployed on POLYGON MAINNET after the BETA SEASON ends (Date TBA).
The BETA SEASON is free to play and open to everyone who wants to join us. Feel free to contact any CELLS STAFF member if you need assistance.
As any other complex system, in some cases, things might not work as expected. Most of the bugs that may occur are visual glitches and most of the time they get solved by simply refreshing the browser screen. Please report to us any persistent bug that you may found. After the BETA SEASON ENDS any progress achieved during this period will be clear and players will start from scratch on Polygon Mainnet. Join us on discord HERE for more information. ** IMPORTANT: The values, prices, skills, spells, assets and every aspect of this game may change based on players feedback during the BETA SEASON. We encourage you to get involved on the development of this game and project. Help us reporting any bug you may find during this period. You will be rewarded for your hard effort on making this an awesome game experience. REWARDS FOR BETA PLAYERS The BETA SEASON is running on RINKEBY TESTNET. That means that ETH, CELDA and DUST aren't real. But to reward you for helping us test the game, 30 REAL CELDA will be delivered to your Citizen Wallet if you win a game and 10 if you lose.
5k CELDA AND A SPECIAL CARDBACK at the end of the season will be rewarded to anyone who gets involved and plays during the BETA SEASON. MOAR CELDA, EVOLUTIONS, CELLS AND ORIGIN CELLS for those who work on building tutorials, strategies, reporting bugs and exploits, suggesting improvements or modifications to the game, writing tweets/articles about it and whatever you think that will add value and attract people to the project.